3D Ultrasound in Prenatal Diagnosis: A Practical Approach 2nd edition


Rabih Chaoui, Kai-Sven Heling




Obstetrics and Gynecology, Radiology


2th edition

سال انتشار



رحلی A4 استاندارد

تعداد صفحات




3D Ultrasound in Prenatal Diagnosis:

A Practical Approach 2nd edition

Initially known for its beautiful images of the faces of babies, 3D ultrasound has, however, become an important tool in prenatal diagnosis for its ability to image fetal organs in normal and abnormal conditions. This book is a state-of-the-art work conceived as a practical guide to the application of 3D ultrasound in obstetrics. The authors of this book have extensive expertise in 3D ultrasound that spans for more than 25 years. The book has three sections: one section on the technical principles of 3D ultrasound, a second section on various 3D rendering tools with a step-by-step explanation of its use. The third section is dedicated to the clinical use of 3D in the examination of the fetal organs.

Part I: Basics of 3D Sonography

1 Basics of 3D and 4D Volume Acquisition
2 Orientation and Navigation within a Volume Data set

Part II: 3D Display Methods

3 3D Rendering and the Rendering Modes

4 Volume Contrast Imaging (VCI)
5 Multiplanar Display I: Orthogonal Mode and Omniview Planes
6 Multiplanar Display II: The Tomography Mode
7 The Surface Mode
8 The Maximum Mode
9 The Minimum Mode
10 The Inversion Mode
11 The Silhouette Mode
12 The Glass-Body Mode
13 Calculation of 3D Volumes
14 The Electronic Matrix Transducer

Part III: Clinical Applications in Prenatal Diagnosis

15 The Fetal Face in 3D
16 3D Fetal Neurosonography
17 3D of Skull, Spine, and Limbs
18 3D of Intrathoracic and Abdominal Organs
19 Fetal Echocardiography in 3D and STIC
20 3D in Early Pregnancy

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3D Ultrasound in Prenatal Diagnosis:
A Practical Approach 2nd edition

Rabih Chaoui, Kai-Sven Heling

Initially known for its beautiful images of the faces of babies, 3D ultrasound has, however, become an important tool in prenatal diagnosis for its ability to image fetal organs in normal and abnormal conditions. This book is a state-of-the-art work conceived as a practical guide to the application of 3D ultrasound in obstetrics. The authors of this book have extensive expertise in 3D ultrasound that spans for more than 25 years. The book has three sections: one section on the technical principles of 3D ultrasound, a second section on various 3D rendering tools with a step-by-step explanation of its use. The third section is dedicated to the clinical use of 3D in the examination of the fetal organs.

Part I: Basics of 3D Sonography

1 Basics of 3D and 4D Volume Acquisition
2 Orientation and Navigation within a Volume Data set

Part II: 3D Display Methods

3 3D Rendering and the Rendering Modes

4 Volume Contrast Imaging (VCI)
5 Multiplanar Display I: Orthogonal Mode and Omniview Planes
6 Multiplanar Display II: The Tomography Mode
7 The Surface Mode
8 The Maximum Mode
9 The Minimum Mode
10 The Inversion Mode
11 The Silhouette Mode
12 The Glass-Body Mode
13 Calculation of 3D Volumes
14 The Electronic Matrix Transducer

Part III: Clinical Applications in Prenatal Diagnosis

15 The Fetal Face in 3D
16 3D Fetal Neurosonography
17 3D of Skull, Spine, and Limbs
18 3D of Intrathoracic and Abdominal Organs
19 Fetal Echocardiography in 3D and STIC
20 3D in Early Pregnancy