Atlas of Breast Reconstruction


Mario Casales Schorr, Mario Rietjens, Visnu Lohsiriwat




Plastic Surgery, Surgery


1st Edition

سال انتشار



رحلی A4 استاندارد

تعداد صفحات




Breast reconstructive and oncoplastic surgery can reduce the sense of mutilation resulting from oncologic surgery and meets the need to provide breast cancer treatment that will not only eradicate the cancer but also re-establish the patient’s quality of life. However, the difficulties inherent in preoperative planning and the intraoperative complexity of breast reconstruction and oncoplastic techniques represent major challenges for the breast surgeon.

This atlas, intended for surgeons at every level, is an all-inclusive guide that documents surgical techniques step by step by means of a wealth of more than 1800 color photos, additional high-quality drawings and illustrations, and succinct accompanying text. Both common, established procedures and the most recently introduced techniques are covered, ensuring that readers will have at their disposal multiple approaches for breast repair, remodeling, and reconstruction. In addition to the comprehensive descriptions of techniques, preoperative planning is explained, indications and contraindications are identified, and the management of surgical complications is discussed. Tips, pitfalls, and key points are highlighted.

 The Atlas of Breast Reconstruction is an unprecedented tool that will increase and refine the arsenal at the oncoplastic surgeon’s disposal in order to ensure that the best treatment can be offered to each individual patient.

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