Clinical Ultrasound: A Pocket Manual


Angela Creditt, Jordan Tozer, Lindsay Taylor, Michael Joyce, Michael Vitto


‎ Springer



سال انتشار



1st Edition


رقعی A5 استاندارد

تعداد صفحات




تعداد DVD فیلم


توضیحات کتاب:
🎯🎯 یک کتاب جمع و جور و کاربردی در مورد طیف وسیعی از کاربردهای سونوگرفی شامل:
– Cardiac Ultrasound
– Thoracic Ultrasound
– Head and Neck Ultrasound
– Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
– Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Ultrasound
– Biliary Ultrasound
– Renal and Bladder Ultrasound
– Abdominal Ultrasound
– Gynecologic Ultrasound
– Obstetric Ultrasound
– Testicular Ultrasound
– Lower Extremity Venous Ultrasound
– Skin and Soft Tissue Ultrasound
– Ocular Ultrasound
– Pediatric Ultrasound
– Ultrasound-Guided Procedures
♥️♥️ این کتاب شامل تمامی ایندکیشن ها، تکنیکها (شامل پوزیشن بیمار و نحوه گرفتن پروب)، آناتومی نرمال و پاتولوژی های مختلف می باشد
⭐️⭐️ کتاب به همراه یک DVD شامل بیش از 230 کلیپ فیلم کاربردی از سونوگرافی های کتاب ارائه می گردد.

This pocket manual is designed to guide medical professionals in acquiring skills in basic ultrasound imaging. It describes the most common scans performed at the patient’s bedside, specifically in the emergency department or intensive care unit. Following an overview of basic ultrasound principles, the use of this modality to visualize specific organ systems is described. In a quick-reference bulleted format, each chapter details indications, basic techniques (patient position, organ windows/views), probe placement, anatomy, pathology, pearls, and key points in ultrasound imaging. The extensive collection of images helps orient the reader in interpreting the scans, depicts anatomic landmarks, and identifies key pathologic findings for each organ system. Clinical Ultrasound: A Pocket Manual is an accessible guide to performing bedside ultrasound imaging for emergency medicine physicians, primary care physicians, critical care medicine providers, residents, and medical students.

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