Dermal Fillers for Dental Professionals


Arun K. Garg, Renato Rossi


رحلی A4 استاندارد

تعداد صفحات


نوع صحافی و تعداد جلد

جلد نرم – یک جلدی, جلد سخت – یک جلدی, سیمی – یک جلدی


Dentistry, Head and neck Surgery


1st Edition





سال انتشار


Have you decided to grow the esthetic side of your dental practice by offering dermal filler treatments? Or do you want to learn a bit more about them before taking the plunge? Esthetic dentistry expert Dr Arun Garg has partnered with Dr Renato Rossi to put together an in-depth clinical manual on everything you need to know to provide dermal filler treatment. The first section covers everything from recommendations for specific filler products to sample patient forms to skin anatomy review. The second section comprises an illustrated step-by-step guide to performing over a dozen specific procedures, categorized by complexity. Each procedure is also accompanied by a real-life case example, and the combination of photographs and computer-generated illustrations provides the reader with the necessary breadth and depth of understanding of every crucial detail to perform these treatments safely and effectively. Whether you re getting started with dermal fillers and ready to practice the basics or a dermal fillers veteran ready to explore more complex treatments, this book is for you! Contents: Overview of Dermal Fillers; Anesthesia; Filler Selection; Complications; Consultation and Treatment Plan; Microneedling; Injection Techniques; Green-Light Procedures; Yellow-Light Procedures; Red-Light Procedures

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