Diffusion Tensor Imaging: A Practical Handbook


Louise Emsell, Stefan Sunaert, Wim Van Hecke


‎ Springer


Radiology, Medical Engineering


1st Edition

سال انتشار



رحلی A4 استاندارد

تعداد صفحات




This book provides an overview of the practical aspects of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), from understanding the basis of the technique through selection of the right protocols, trouble-shooting data quality, and analyzing DTI data optimally. DTI is a non-invasive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique for visualizing and quantifying tissue microstructure based on diffusion. The book discusses the theoretical background underlying DTI and advanced techniques based on higher-order models and multi-shell diffusion imaging. It covers the practical implementation of DTI; derivation of information from DTI data; and a range of clinical applications, including neurosurgical planning and the assessment of brain tumors. Its practical utility is enhanced by decision schemes and a fully annotated DTI brain atlas, including color fractional anisotropy maps and 3D tractography reconstructions of major white matter fiber bundles. Featuring contributions from leading specialists in the field of DTI, Diffusion Tensor Imaging: A Practical Handbook is a valuable resource for radiologists, neuroradiologists, MRI technicians and clinicians.

جهت مشاهده قیمت و خرید محصول پس از انتخاب نوع صحافی دلخواه و تعداد مورد نظر ، محصول را به سبد خرید اضافه کنید
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