ERS – Handbook: Respiratory Sleep Medicine


Anita K. Simonds, Maria R. Bonsignore, Sophia E. Schiza, Winfried Randerath


European Respiratory Society


ENT, Head and neck Surgery, Respiratory Medicine

سال انتشار



2th edition


رحلی A4 استاندارد

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جهت مشاهده قیمت و خرید محصول پس از انتخاب نوع صحافی دلخواه و تعداد مورد نظر ، محصول را به سبد خرید اضافه کنید
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ERS – Handbook: Respiratory Sleep Medicine 2023

  • ERS Handbook of Respiratory Sleep Medicine
    Edited by Maria R. Bonsignore, Winfried Randerath, Sophia E. Schiza and Anita K. Simonds
    ERS Handbook of Respiratory Sleep Medicine
    Sleep medicine is a multidisciplinary field, with patients referred to specialising physicians from all areas of medicine. The new edition of the ERS Handbook of Respiratory Sleep Medicine is truly reflective of this diversity, covering everything from neurobiology to digital health. Broad in scope but easy to use, the book is broken down into 17 sections, including diagnosis and management, neuromuscular disorders, hypoventilation syndromes, nonrespiratory sleep disorders, and paediatrics. The Editors have brought together expert authors to create a book that focuses on practical aspects, with tips and advice based on clinical practice and the latest guidelines.

Table of contents

1 – Neurobiology and physiology of sleep and breathing
2 – Classification, definition and epidemiology of sleep disordered breathing
3 – Pathophysiology of sleep disordered breathing
4 – Clinical aspects and consequences of sleep disordered breathing
5 – Clinical assessment
6 – Monitoring sleep and wakefulness
7 – Other diagnostic aspects of obstructive sleep apnoea and central sleep apnoea
8 – Management of obstructive sleep apnoea
9 – Management of central sleep apnoea
10 – Sleep disordered breathing in patients with other disorders
11 – Obesity hypoventilation syndrome
12 – Neuromuscular and chest wall disorders
13 – Treatment of hypoventilation syndromes
14 – Non-respiratory sleep disorders
15 – Medico-legal and organisational aspects
16 – Digital health in respiratory sleep disorders
17 – Paediatric respiratory sleep medicine