Functional Neuroradiology: Principles and Clinical Applications


Feroze B. Mohamed, Scott H. Faro


‎ Springer


Neurology, Neuroscience, Radiology


2th edition

سال انتشار



رحلی A4 استاندارد

تعداد صفحات




This new edition fully updates and expands Faro and Mohamed’s Functional Neuroradiology, a gold standard, comprehensive introduction to the state-of-the-art functional imaging in neuroradiology, including the physical principles and clinical applications of Diffusion, Perfusion, Permeability, MR spectroscopy, Positron Emission Tomography, BOLD fMRI and Diffusion Tensor Imaging.

With chapters written by internationally distinguished neuroradiologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, cognitive neuroscientists, and physicists, Functional Neuroradiology is divided into 12 major sections, including: Diffusion and Perfusion Imaging, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Imaging, Multi-Modality Functional Neuroradiology, BOLD Functional MRI, Diffusion Tensor Imaging, Presurgical Brain Tumor Mapping, Emerging neuroimaging techniques, Functional Spine and Hydrocephalus imaging, and Neuroanatomical Gray and White matter Brain Atlases. This second edition is fully updated throughout and includes more than 15 new chapters on topics such as: Brain tumor Radiogenomics, CNS Tumor Surveillance and Functional MR Perfusion Imaging, CNS Machine Learning, Focused Ultrasound therapy, TBI Sports Related Injury, and CNS Lymphatic system.

By offering readers a complete overview of functional imaging modalities and techniques currently used in patient diagnosis and management, as well as emerging technology, Functional Neuroradiology is a vital information source for physicians and cognitive neuroscientists involved in daily practice and research.

Scott H. Faro, MD, FASFNR

Professor of Radiology and Neurology

Director, Division of Neuroradiology and ENT

Department of Radiology

Thomas Jefferson University

Philadelphia, PA, USA

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