Learning Cardiac Magnetic Resonance: A Case-Based Guide


Fiorenzo Gaita, Luisa Lobetti Bodoni, Massimo Imazio, Monica Andriani


‎ Springer


Cardiac, Radiology

سال انتشار



1st Edition


رحلی A4 استاندارد

تعداد صفحات




This book provides an easy-to-use guide, giving cardiologists and other physicians more confidence in training with and understanding cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) in clinical daily practice. The case-based format promotes step-by-step learning and makes this book a helpful tool for students, residents and trainees in cardiology. An updated, comprehensive review of CMR diagnostic criteria is provided for all clinical cardiovascular applications of CMR in adult patients, from ischemic heart diseases to myocarditis, and from pericardial diseases to tumors, artifacts and incidental findings.

CMR is an expanding imaging technique for cardiologists and radiologists alike. Despite several textbooks, manuals and dedicated texts, clinicians may still find it difficult to familiarize themselves with the exam and there are limited formats that provide easy access to the basic information (e.g. physics, specific applications) that are needed for training and clinical interpretation (especially case-based).

By describing the basics of physics and methodology in a straightforward manner and providing meaningful clinical examples, this book will help all cardiologists dealing with cardiac imaging as well as doctors in training to quickly and accurately interpret CMR findings in their clinical practice.

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