Modern Management of Spinal Deformities: A Theoretical, Practical, and Evidence-based Text


Juergen Harms, Robert Dickson


‎ Thieme


Neurosurgery, Orthopaedics


1st Edition

سال انتشار



رحلی A4 استاندارد

تعداد صفحات




Authored by two world-renowned pioneers in the field of spinal surgery, Modern Management of Spinal Deformities: A Theoretical, Practical, and Evidence-Based Text covers the range of spinal deformities-emphasizing scoliosis-and their etiologies, including idiopathic, congenital, neuromuscular, tumors, neurofibromatosis, and more.

All too often in other works, too much attention has been focused on how to put in metalwork, without sufficiently discussing the what, when, and why. Authors Dickson and Harms provide a wealth of knowledge through experience that shows how important newer therapeutic concepts and surgical methods are, such that beyond just preventing the progression of deformity, it is now possible, with correctly performed surgery, to eliminate deformity and straighten spines permanently.


  • Evidence-based diagnostic and treatment concepts, emphasis on an understanding of the scientific principles providing the basis for good practice
  • Superbly illustrated with many radiographs, CT images, and drawings
  • Special newer surgical techniques, such as the anterior approach to the spine

Spine surgeons, whether orthopaedically or neurosurgically trained, will value this authoritative treatise on spinal deformities.

جهت مشاهده قیمت و خرید محصول پس از انتخاب نوع صحافی دلخواه و تعداد مورد نظر ، محصول را به سبد خرید اضافه کنید
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