Netter’s Correlative Imaging: Neuroanatomy


Srinivasan Jr. Mukundan, Thomas C. Lee


‎ Elsevier


Anatomy, Neurology, Radiology


1st Edition

سال انتشار



رحلی A4 استاندارد

تعداد صفحات




توضیحات کتاب:
👏👏👈 -کاملترین کتاب در آناتومی نرمال Brain, Head and Neck , Spine
🎯🎯👈 -تطابق تصاویر CT و MRI در کنار تصاویر شماتیک
❤️❤️ -تدوین شده به سبک کلاسیک کتابها آناتومی Netter
👌👌👈 -نامگذاری جزء به جزء اعضا در تصویر توسط فلش مستقیم روی عکس
🙏🙏 -نشان دادن آناتومی تمامی مقاطع در تمامی نماها شامل Axial – Coronal – Sagittal

Interpret the complexities of neuroanatomy like never before with the unparalleled coverage and expert guidance from Drs. Srinivasan Mukundan and Thomas C. Lee in this outstanding volume of the Netter’s Correlative Imaging series. Beautiful and instructive Netter paintings and illustrated cross-sections created in the Netter style are presented side by side high-quality patient images and key anatomic descriptions to help you envision and review intricate neuroanatomy.

Consult this title on your favorite e-reader, conduct rapid searches, and adjust font sizes for optimal readability.

View the brain, spinal cord, and cranial nerves, as well as head and neck anatomy through modern imaging techniques in a variety of planes, complemented with a detailed illustration of each slice done in the instructional and aesthetic Netter style.

Find anatomical landmarks quickly and easily through comprehensive labeling and concise text highlighting key points related to the illustration and image pairings.

Correlate patient data to idealized normal anatomy, always in the same view with the same labeling system.

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