Osborn’s Brain 3rd Edition


Anne G. Osborn, Karen L. Salzman, Luke L. Linscott


‎ Elsevier


Neurology, Neurosurgery, Radiology


3th Edition

سال انتشار



رحلی A4 استاندارد

تعداد صفحات


هزینه اضافی




Osborn’s Brain 3rd Edition 2024

  • توضیحات کتاب:
    این کتاب جامعترین و کاملترین تکست در خصوص تصویر برداری مغزی می باشد که پیچیده ترین مباحث را در خصوص Brain Imaging پوشش می دهد.
    در این کتاب بطور کامل در مورد مباحث آناتومیک و طیف بسیار گسترده از پاتولوژی های مغز توضیح داده شده است.
    در مورد اینکه هر بیماری ” چرا و چگونه ” ایجاد می گردد، منشا بوجود آمدن و موضع درگیر ساختن بیماری چه بخشها و چه ارگانهاییست و پس از بوجود آمدن چه علائم و چه عوارضی دارد به طور کامل توضیح داده شده است.
    ⭐️⭐️ مطالعه این کتاب به نورولوژیست ها، جراحان مغز و اعصاب، و رادیولوژیست هایی که در این زمینه فعالیت می کنند توصیه می گردد، زیرا هم از جنبه آناتومیک و پاتولوژیک بسیار قوی و معتبر می باشد و نکات و مطالبی را پوشش داده که در هیچ منبع مشابه دیگری وجود ندارد ⭐️⭐️
  • Combining informative, meticulously crafted prose with more than 4,000 high-quality images, Osborn’s Brain, third edition, is a comprehensive, easy to understand, and visually stunning learning curriculum from highly esteemed author Dr. Anne G. Osborn. This fully revised edition provides a solid framework for understanding the complex subject of brain imaging, integrating relevant information from Dr. Osborn’s entire career of accumulated knowledge, experience, and interest in neuropathology, neurosurgery, and clinical neurosciences. While neuroradiologists will find intriguing, thought-provoking insights included especially for them in every chapter, Osborn’s Brain is an excellent review resource for physicians at all levels of expertise―from seasoned radiologists and neurosurgeons to new and senior residents or fellows.
    • Combines essential anatomy with gross pathology and imaging, clearly demonstrating why and how diseases appear the way they do and helping readers think clearly about diagnoses, types of diagnoses, and the various pathologies that can affect the brain
    • Guides readers through the “must know” aspects of neuroimaging and neuropathology (brain trauma, stroke, vascular lesions, etc.) before zeroing in on such topics as infections, demyelinating and inflammatory diseases, neoplasms, toxic-metabolic-degenerative disorders, and congenital brain malformations
    • Provides state-of-the-art coverage on such topics as new brain tumor entities, the effects of emerging viral illness such as COVID-19 on the brain, and recently delineated/named diseases (e.g., HIV-associated CD8 encephalitis)
    • Features more than 4,000 stunning, high-resolution radiologic images and 100+ detailed, full-color medical illustrations, all of which are annotated to describe the most clinically significant features; and includes robust, digital-only galleries that contain hundreds of additional images that further illustrate each chapter
    • Includes up-to-date nomenclature based on the 5th edition of the WHO Classification of Tumors, Central Nervous System, including a complete revision, expansion, and updating of CNS neoplasms with new entities, revised grading criteria, diagnostic molecular pathology, and nomenclature
    • Contains Dr. Osborn’s trademark summary boxes for a quick review of essential facts, signature graphics with additional radiological and pathologic correlations, and up-to-the-minute literature references
List of Tables
SECTION 1: Trauma
Chapter 1: Trauma Overview
Chapter 2: Primary Effects of CNS Trauma
Chapter 3: Secondary Effects and Sequelae of CNS Trauma
SECTION 2: Nontraumatic Hemorrhage and Vascular Lesions
Chapter 4: Approach to Nontraumatic Hemorrhage and Vascular Lesions
Chapter 5: Spontaneous Parenchymal Hemorrhage
Chapter 6: Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and Aneurysms
Chapter 7: Vascular Malformations
Chapter 8: Arterial Anatomy and Strokes
Chapter 9: Venous Anatomy and Occlusions
Chapter 10: Vasculopathy
SECTION 3: Infection, Inflammation, and Demyelinating Diseases
Chapter 11: Approach to Infection, Inflammation, and Demyelination
Chapter 12: Congenital, Acquired Pyogenic, and Acquired Viral Infections
Chapter 13: Tuberculosis and Fungal, Parasitic, and Other Infections
Chapter 14: HIV/AIDS
Chapter 15: Demyelinating and Inflammatory Diseases
SECTION 4: Neoplasms, Cysts, and Tumor-Like Lesions
Chapter 16: Introduction to CNS Neoplasms and Nonneoplastic Cysts
Chapter 17: Adult-Type Diffuse Gliomas
Chapter 18: Pediatric-Type Diffuse Low-Grade Gliomas
Chapter 19: Pediatric-Type Diffuse High-Grade Gliomas
Chapter 20: Circumscribed Astrocytic Gliomas
Chapter 21: Glioneuronal and Neuronal Tumors
Chapter 22: Ependymal Tumors
Chapter 23: Choroid Plexus Tumors
Chapter 24: Embryonal Tumors
Chapter 25: Pineal and Germ Cell Tumors
Chapter 26: Cranial Nerve Tumors
Chapter 27: Meningiomas and Melanocytic Lesions
Chapter 28: Mesenchymal, Nonmeningothelial Tumors
Chapter 29: Hematolymphoid and Hematopoietic Tumors
Chapter 30: Sellar Region Tumors and Tumor-Like Conditions
Chapter 31: Metastases and Paraneoplastic Syndromes
Chapter 32: Nonneoplastic Cysts
Chapter 33: Miscellaneous Tumors and Tumor-Like Conditions
SECTION 5: Toxic, Metabolic, Degenerative, and CSF Disorders
Chapter 34: Approach to Toxic, Metabolic, Degenerative, and CSF Disorders
Chapter 35: Toxic Encephalopathy
Chapter 36: Inherited Metabolic Disorders
Chapter 37: Acquired Metabolic and Systemic Disorders
Chapter 38: Dementias and Brain Degenerations
Chapter 39: Hydrocephalus and CSF Disorders
SECTION 6: Congenital Malformations and Genetic Tumor Syndromes
Chapter 40: Approach to Congenital Malformations
Chapter 41: Posterior Fossa Malformations
Chapter 42: Commissural and Cortical Maldevelopment
Chapter 43: Holoprosencephalies, Related Disorders, and Mimics
Chapter 44: Genetic Tumor Syndromes Involving the CNS
Chapter 45: Vascular Neurocutaneous Syndromes
Chapter 46: Anomalies of the Skull and Meninges
جهت مشاهده قیمت و خرید محصول پس از انتخاب نوع صحافی دلخواه و تعداد مورد نظر ، محصول را به سبد خرید اضافه کنید
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Osborn’s Brain 3rd Edition 2024

Combining informative, meticulously crafted prose with more than 4,000 high-quality images, Osborn’s Brain, third edition, is a comprehensive, easy to understand, and visually stunning learning curriculum from highly esteemed author Dr. Anne G. Osborn. This fully revised edition provides a solid framework for understanding the complex subject of brain imaging, integrating relevant information from Dr. Osborn’s entire career of accumulated knowledge, experience, and interest in neuropathology, neurosurgery, and clinical neurosciences. While neuroradiologists will find intriguing, thought-provoking insights included especially for them in every chapter, Osborn’s Brain is an excellent review resource for physicians at all levels of expertise―from seasoned radiologists and neurosurgeons to new and senior residents or fellows.

    • Combines essential anatomy with gross pathology and imaging, clearly demonstrating why and how diseases appear the way they do and helping readers think clearly about diagnoses, types of diagnoses, and the various pathologies that can affect the brain
    • Guides readers through the “must know” aspects of neuroimaging and neuropathology (brain trauma, stroke, vascular lesions, etc.) before zeroing in on such topics as infections, demyelinating and inflammatory diseases, neoplasms, toxic-metabolic-degenerative disorders, and congenital brain malformations
    • Provides state-of-the-art coverage on such topics as new brain tumor entities, the effects of emerging viral illness such as COVID-19 on the brain, and recently delineated/named diseases (e.g., HIV-associated CD8 encephalitis)
    • Features more than 4,000 stunning, high-resolution radiologic images and 100+ detailed, full-color medical illustrations, all of which are annotated to describe the most clinically significant features; and includes robust, digital-only galleries that contain hundreds of additional images that further illustrate each chapter
    • Includes up-to-date nomenclature based on the 5th edition of the WHO Classification of Tumors, Central Nervous System, including a complete revision, expansion, and updating of CNS neoplasms with new entities, revised grading criteria, diagnostic molecular pathology, and nomenclature
    • Contains Dr. Osborn’s trademark summary boxes for a quick review of essential facts, signature graphics with additional radiological and pathologic correlations, and up-to-the-minute literature references
List of Tables
SECTION 1: Trauma
Chapter 1: Trauma Overview
Chapter 2: Primary Effects of CNS Trauma
Chapter 3: Secondary Effects and Sequelae of CNS Trauma
SECTION 2: Nontraumatic Hemorrhage and Vascular Lesions
Chapter 4: Approach to Nontraumatic Hemorrhage and Vascular Lesions
Chapter 5: Spontaneous Parenchymal Hemorrhage
Chapter 6: Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and Aneurysms
Chapter 7: Vascular Malformations
Chapter 8: Arterial Anatomy and Strokes
Chapter 9: Venous Anatomy and Occlusions
Chapter 10: Vasculopathy
SECTION 3: Infection, Inflammation, and Demyelinating Diseases
Chapter 11: Approach to Infection, Inflammation, and Demyelination
Chapter 12: Congenital, Acquired Pyogenic, and Acquired Viral Infections
Chapter 13: Tuberculosis and Fungal, Parasitic, and Other Infections
Chapter 14: HIV/AIDS
Chapter 15: Demyelinating and Inflammatory Diseases
SECTION 4: Neoplasms, Cysts, and Tumor-Like Lesions
Chapter 16: Introduction to CNS Neoplasms and Nonneoplastic Cysts
Chapter 17: Adult-Type Diffuse Gliomas
Chapter 18: Pediatric-Type Diffuse Low-Grade Gliomas
Chapter 19: Pediatric-Type Diffuse High-Grade Gliomas
Chapter 20: Circumscribed Astrocytic Gliomas
Chapter 21: Glioneuronal and Neuronal Tumors
Chapter 22: Ependymal Tumors
Chapter 23: Choroid Plexus Tumors
Chapter 24: Embryonal Tumors
Chapter 25: Pineal and Germ Cell Tumors
Chapter 26: Cranial Nerve Tumors
Chapter 27: Meningiomas and Melanocytic Lesions
Chapter 28: Mesenchymal, Nonmeningothelial Tumors
Chapter 29: Hematolymphoid and Hematopoietic Tumors
Chapter 30: Sellar Region Tumors and Tumor-Like Conditions
Chapter 31: Metastases and Paraneoplastic Syndromes
Chapter 32: Nonneoplastic Cysts
Chapter 33: Miscellaneous Tumors and Tumor-Like Conditions
SECTION 5: Toxic, Metabolic, Degenerative, and CSF Disorders
Chapter 34: Approach to Toxic, Metabolic, Degenerative, and CSF Disorders
Chapter 35: Toxic Encephalopathy
Chapter 36: Inherited Metabolic Disorders
Chapter 37: Acquired Metabolic and Systemic Disorders
Chapter 38: Dementias and Brain Degenerations
Chapter 39: Hydrocephalus and CSF Disorders
SECTION 6: Congenital Malformations and Genetic Tumor Syndromes
Chapter 40: Approach to Congenital Malformations
Chapter 41: Posterior Fossa Malformations
Chapter 42: Commissural and Cortical Maldevelopment
Chapter 43: Holoprosencephalies, Related Disorders, and Mimics
Chapter 44: Genetic Tumor Syndromes Involving the CNS
Chapter 45: Vascular Neurocutaneous Syndromes
Chapter 46: Anomalies of the Skull and Meninges