Pearls and Pitfalls in Cardiovascular Imaging: Pseudolesions, Artifacts, and Other Difficult Diagnoses


Elliot K. Fishman, Stefan L. Zimmerman


Cambridge University Press


Cardiac, Radiology


1st Edition

سال انتشار



رحلی A4 استاندارد

تعداد صفحات




Cardiovascular imagers are faced with the challenge of interpreting cases that include artifacts, unusual findings, or anatomic variants on an almost daily basis. These studies can result in confusion and may lead to misdiagnosis even for the most experienced imager. This book provides an approachable reference for practicing cardiovascular imagers to aid with both commonly and uncommonly encountered entities that can result in inappropriate patient management. Through the focused use of case examples, this book reviews 100 conditions that can be seen in clinical practice, including pseudotumors, artifacts, anatomic variants, mimics, and unusual diagnoses. Each highly illustrated case follows a standard format, allowing readers to learn from real-life examples and provides an accessible and rapid source of reference for the improved interpretation of cardiovascular imaging and enhanced patient care. This text will be invaluable to radiologists, cardiologists, and trainees.

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