Plastic surgery Board Review: Taking Your Examination Offline


American Society of Plastic Surgeons


American Society of Plastic Surgeons

سال انتشار



رحلی A4 استاندارد

تعداد صفحات


نوع صحافی و تعداد جلد

جلد نرم – یک جلدی, جلد سخت – یک جلدی, سیمی – یک جلدی


Plastic Surgery


1st Edition

Once you have completed your examination offline, follow these steps to enter and submit your answers
for scoring.
• Log in to the website.
• Select the “Start Exam” link and read and acknowledge the honor code statement.
• Pause the exam.
• Select the “Enter answer sheet” link.
• Enter your answers in the provided form. If the form already contains answers, these are the
answers you previously entered in your online examination or using the answer sheet.
• Once you have finished entering your answers, be sure to save them by clicking “Save.” If you
close the answer sheet page without clicking one of these links, your answers will not be saved.
• You may return to the answer sheet to enter or review answers as many times as you like during
the testing window as long as you do not submit your answers or select “End Exam” in the online

جهت مشاهده قیمت و خرید محصول پس از انتخاب نوع صحافی دلخواه و تعداد مورد نظر ، محصول را به سبد خرید اضافه کنید
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