The Code Stroke Handbook: Approach to the Acute Stroke Patient


Andrew Micieli, Houman Khosravani, Julia Hopyan, Raed Joundi


Academic Press


ICU, Neurology, Neurosurgery


1st Edition

سال انتشار



رحلی A4 استاندارد

تعداد صفحات




توضیحات کتاب:
❤️⭐️ کتابی بروز، کوچک و کاربردی در خصوص تشخیص و درمان استروک ⭐️❤️
در این کتاب در خصوص
✅- گرفتن سابقه بیماری
✅- نشانه های استروک
✅- معاینات بالینی بیمار
✅- سندروم های استروک
✅- ایمیجینگ در استروک شامل CT,CTA,CTP
✅- انواع روشهای مدیریت و درمان استروک
✅- همراه با مجموعه ای از کیس های بالینی در هر بخش کتاب
صحبت شده است.

A 65-year-old patient arrives at the Emergency Department with stroke symptoms that began 45 minutes ago. You are called STAT!
Acute stroke management has changed dramatically in recent years. Tremendous advances have been made in acute treatments, diagnostic neuroimaging, and organized systems of care, and are enabling better outcomes for patients. Stroke has evolved from a largely untreatable condition in the acute phase to a true medical emergency that is potentially treatable―and sometimes curable. The Code Stroke emergency response refers to a coordinated team-based approach to stroke patient care that requires rapid and accurate assessment, diagnosis, and treatment in an effort to save the brain and minimize permanent damage.
The Code Stroke Handbook contains the “essentials” of acute stroke to help clinicians provide best practice patient care.
Designed to assist frontline physicians, nurses, paramedics, and medical learners at different levels of training, this book highlights clinical pearls and pitfalls, guideline recommendations, and other high-yield information not readily available in standard textbooks. It is filled with practical tips to prepare you for the next stroke emergency and reduce the anxiety you may feel when the Code Stroke pager rings.

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