Topographic Labiaplasty: From Theory to Clinical Practice


Pablo Gonzalez-Isaza, Rafael Sánchez-Borrego


‎ Springer


Obstetrics and Gynecology, Plastic Surgery, Surgery


1st Edition

سال انتشار



رحلی A4 استاندارد

تعداد صفحات




This book provides the reader a fully descriptive approach of labia minora hypertrophy and clitoral hood elongation related to anatomical variants. The expert contributors present their reproducible and structured technique of Topographic Labiaplasty, that allows the surgeon to improve surgical results and avoid complications and poor aesthetic outcomes. It also enables surgeons to understand the huge anatomical variants related to labia minora hypertrophy and clitoral frenulum complex aiming a better result from the aesthetic and functional point of view.

The eighteen well written chapters include a brief historical research about the history of labiaplasty, classifications of labia minora hypertrophy, indications and contraindications for the surgery, anesthetic considerations, surgical instrumentation, reconstructive aspects, labiaplasty in teenagers and the sexological impact. The book also features surgical videos.

Topographic Labiaplasty – From Theory to Practice is addressed to consultants in gynecology, plastic surgery, urogynecology and those interested in female cosmetic genital surgery.

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