Twining’s Textbook of Fetal Abnormalities – Expert Consult


Anne Marie Coady MB ChB BAO MRCP FRCR, Sarah Bower


Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier




3rd Edition

سال انتشار



رحلی A4 استاندارد

تعداد صفحات




توضیحات کتاب:
⭐️ یکی از بروزترین و کاربردی ترین کتابها در خصوص فتال آنومالیها ⭐️
این کتاب یک راهنمای کاربردی و مرحله به مرحله برای تشخیص سونوگرافیک پاتولوژی ها و آنومالیهای جنینی می باشد.

1️⃣ دارای یک طبقه بندی و فهرست بندی بسیار کاربردی
2️⃣ دارای بیش از 700 تصویر بسیار با کیفیت سونوگرافی، سونو 3D و MRI و Colour Doppler جنین
3️⃣ دارای جداول بسیار و گوناگون برای اندازه گیری های مختلف

Access practical guidance on the radiologic detection, interpretation, and diagnosis of fetal anomalies with Twining’s Textbook of Fetal Abnormalities.With fetal scanning being increasingly done by obstetricians, this updated medical reference book features a brand-new editorial team of radiologist Anne Marie Coady and fetal medicine specialist Sarah Bower; these authorities, together with contributions from many other experts, provide practical, step-by-step guidance on everything from detection and interpretation to successful management approaches. Twining’s Textbook of Fetal Abnormalities is a resource you’ll turn to time and again!

    • Quickly access specific information with a user-friendly format.
    • Deliver a rapid, reliable diagnosis thanks to a strong focus on image interpretation, as well as the correlation of radiographic features with pathologic findings wherever possible.
    • Clearly visualize a full range of conditions with help from more than 700 images.
    • Stay abreast of the latest developments in detecting fetal abnormalities with 4 brand-new chapters: Fetal Growth; Haematological Disorders; Fetal Pathology; and Fetal Tumours.
    • Access increased coverage of fetal growth, first trimester anomalies, DDX, and clinical management.
    • Understand the major advances in today’s hottest imaging technologies, including 3-D Ultrasound, Fetal MRI, and Colour Doppler.
    • Effectively interpret the images you encounter with highly organized coordination between figures, tables, and imaging specimens.
    • Search the entire contents online at Expert Consult.
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